Nov 25, 2021
Your company lets you know you finally have that opportunity overseas and they want you there full time by January. Your extended family has been migrating south and you decide that’s something you’re now ready to do. You are about to add another member to your family, but the apartment you have is too small. These...
Nov 18, 2021
You’ve been pounding the pavement looking for a home and you find this stunning apartment. It’s priced a little high, but you can see all the money the sellers have put into it in terms of renovations, so you know it’s worth the price. You’re not the only one who wants this home because the open house was...
Nov 11, 2021
It’s the city that never sleeps: The Big Apple! There is something in the New York air that makes sleep useless. With 8 million people how can you ever be lonely? Well, you might never be lonely but chances are if you’re moving from the suburbs it might feel a bit cramped. It will certainly be different. NYC is...
Nov 4, 2021
So you’re looking to own in NYC and you’ve heard of co-ops and you’ve heard of condos and there are also townhouses for the right budget, but then you come across another type of property. It’s called a condop and you think what is that? Well only in NY or maybe somewhere else who knows but we have properties...